Upcoming Events

See our events list below.

We hope you'll join with the Dumbarton Oaks Park Conservancy for these great events!

Latest Past Events

Pull invasive weeds

Dumbarton Oaks Park 3058 R St NW, Washington, DC

Aliquam vitae lorem non risus tempor aliquam hendrerit non elit. Phasellus consectetur sodales mauris quis venenatis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris quis eleifend ante, quis fermentum enim. Vivamus volutpat et magna id tristique. Phasellus convallis est eget vestibulum eleifend. Nunc non congue nisl, nec consectetur turpis. Sed interdum tincidunt nisl. Ut ut est lectus. Pellentesque dui ... Read more

Volunteer in the park: October 24, 2022

Dumbarton Oaks Park 3058 R St NW, Washington, DC

Excerpt excerpt Vestibulum auctor mollis mi nec suscipit. Nullam a viverra sapien.

Mother’s Day Doors of Bliss

The Doors of Bliss in Dumbarton Oaks Park are an opportunity to experience the park at the height of its spring glory while enjoying a talk by artist in residence William Adair. His gilded copper doors will be on show in the park from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm. The work is a series of doors "exploring the Goddess Mnemosyne, and her offspring the ... Read more

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