Help maintain the park you love

Volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups at Dumbarton Oaks Park.

The Dumbarton Oaks Park Conservancy’s mission is to restore, promote, and maintain the Park as close to its original design as possible. But the Park faces several ongoing challenges - periodic stormwater inundation, deteriorating architectural features, invasive plants, and routine maintenance.

With the help of volunteers, we are working to stabilize the stormwater, restore garden structures, remove invasive plants, and maintain the Park into the future.

Below are our three main opportunities to volunteer in the Park. We also offer ---internships at Dumbarton Oaks Park--- to qualified applicants.


Public volunteer day
Individuals and families

Beginner-friendly weekend events supervised by DOPC staff. Activities vary based on current needs. Tools, training, and snacks are provided.


Group volunteering
Opportunities for all

Ideal for corporate, community, or youth groups. Events are scheduled as needed. Participants safely participate in hands-on activities to help restore and conserve the Park.


Specialized opportunities
For interested individuals

Specialized opportunities to conduct an ecological/historical study, plant inventory, or other relevant project.

Join our supporters around the world as we celebrate our wins and share upcoming events.

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